April 29, 2013


I've been flat out making 40 plates for a special dinner for designers and creative folk organised by Mr Kitly and Supercyclers.  Here's a little pic of them all stacked up ready for dinner.

April 7, 2013

thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came by and said hi at Finders Keepers.  It was lovely to meet so many awesome folks.

And a very big extra special thanks to Lyn for knitting me a tea cosy for my teapot!!  Best present ever.

If you're after a teapot send me an email as I'll be making some this week (info@shiko.com.au).  The cooler weather and the cosy have got me all inspired.

April 1, 2013

Fresh off the wheel

I was playing around with some bigger forms today and they look so juicy fresh off the wheel.

I used the webbing between my fingers to alter the rim on these large bowls while on the wheel and then I've thrown through it slightly and included some texture from a wooden tool.  I beveled the base with an arrow head tool and then squished the base gently with my hands to extenuate the movement in the rim.  Jem's not convinced but I love the moment, there's something lively and soft about them.

The ovoid was far more controlled but just as much fun!